What Is Playball?

Playball teaches the basis for the following sports:
baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, hockey, volleyball and more
Eye and foot coordination,eye and hand coordination, balance, stability, mid-line crossing,fine motor skills,tracking, movement.
Age Specific:
Baby Steps. 3 months-11 months. We develop the basics of stability, loco-motor, and manipulative tasks.
FunToBe 1. The aim of this program is to enable the early walker to develop and maximize motor skills. By facilitating crawling and exploring which stimulates the formation of early mathematical concepts. Motor development is the spring board for all learning. It improves vocabulary as well.
2 Can Do. We learn to participate with confidence in a structured environment. By focusing on physical development, language, and concept of formation, understanding shapes, colors, directions and space.
Watch Me @ 3. A healthy balance between fun and learning sports skills, coaching is also directed at improving concentration and listening skills.
Four, Five and Six Year Olds. The balance between participation and the quality of each skill is given full consideration.By using repetition, the quality in execution of each skill improves.
Progress Reports
We provide Progress Reports to the parents.This is the feedback how is your child doing in the class :on sports skills and life skills.
Playball Classes
The classes are conducted at your child's school.
When it rains, when it is cold we do classes inside.
Refund Policy
The Tuition is refunded within 14 days.
Two weeks notice is required.